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Scholarship Sundays

Posted on both our Instagram account and this website, these Scholarship Sundays provide students with information about a variety of different scholarship opportunities.  The three categories of scholarships we will be highlighting are those for women, students in STEM, and general scholarships.


Scholarships are a great way to help pay for college; however, it can be difficult to find and apply for them.  Here at women__in__stem, we want to make this easier for you by providing Scholarship Sundays and other resources.  In addition, we have compiled a list of six helpful things to think about during the scholarship process.


When looking at a scholarship, it is important to know what it is asking you to do.  Knowing if it requires an essay, video, etc. is the first crucial step in the application process.  Along with this, make sure you know if you need to submit additional documents such as a transcript.


Although there are many general scholarships that almost anyone can apply to, there are also scholarships that have specific requirements for their applicants.  These could include certain ages, career fields, etc., so keep this in mind when searching for scholarships that you are eligible for.


When applying for scholarships, you certainly want to win as much money as you can; however, don't pass up smaller scholarships!  Scholarships with smaller amounts tend to be overlooked which means that there will usually be less applicants; therefore, there is a greater chance for you to win!


Paying attention to deadlines is a must when applying for scholarships!  Too often, people don't apply for scholarships because they forget and miss the deadline.  To prevent this, try writing down deadlines in a planner or set reminders on your phone!


While researching available scholarships, it is important to make sure they are credible.  If you need to pay to apply, you are probably getting scammed.  One thing to look for to tell if a scholarship is most likely credible is the past recipients or past winning essays.

Letters of Recommendation

Although not all scholarships require letters of recommendation, having a few on hand can be very helpful.  When asking for letters of recommendation, consider asking people who can attest to your character the most.  Keep in mind to give them plenty of time to complete the letter, don't ask at the last minute!

Recent Scholarship Sundays

*clicking on the picture will link you to the scholarship's official website

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